LACES Junior Statesmen of America

This will be a scolling marquee of an upcoming event that is also a link to the LACES Calendar Page.

Club Sponsor: Ms. Klimke

Teacher's Page Teacher's Email


Our club meets in Ms. Klimke's Room (Rm#202) at Lunch. Our meetings are available for all grades.


The Junior Statesmen Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) educational corporation which provides administrative and educational support for the Junior State of America. In addition to providing advice and assistance to the student-run program, JSF administers the annual Junior Statesmen Summer School and the Summer Institutes. Grants from corporations and individuals committed to civic education and leadership training support the Junior Statesmen Foundation. The Foundation is led by a Board of Directors, which includes leaders in business, government, law and education. The directors are assisted by a a Board of Trustees, also comprised of community leaders, who provide advice and guidance. The LACES JSA are here to help students with their educational and leadership skills. Below is a link to the JSA official website.


There is no news right now. Keep checking and go to the meetings to find out information.