NJHS/NHS acknowledges students who excel in academics in LACES

About Us

The purpose of this group is to acknowledge high-achieveing students in both middle and high-school. Students who achieve a GPA of 3.5 and higher are invited to this group. The students have to maintain the 3.5 to be in the group permanently. This group motivates students who don't have the GPA to work harder and strive to be in the group. It also keeps the high-achieving students motivated so that they don't drop their academic performance and GPA to a lower quality. This group shows appreciation to the students who make the school better and raise the good reputation of the school.Without this group some students would've stopped working as hard as they are right now.

Sponsor - Ms. Bakewell Club President - Kevin Kory Meeting days - Meeting days are announced through the P.A. system


Students are usually invited during the beginning of the school year. They are invited based on their spring semester final report card and if they received a GPA higher of equal to 3.5, then they are chosen to be invited. However, just because you are invited doesn' mean you'll get in. The student will be given a packe which they have to fill out. The packet includes the following: recommendation of teachers, awards you've received during the past years, club affiliations, extra curricular activities, and a short essay on what your strength is. The student is given a deadline to turn the packet in. If the student doesn't turn it in in time, then they will not be considered to be invited officially. For the others, their packet is reviewed and if they qualify, they are notified. It is a great group to be in and it will look especially good on your college application. Students are encouraged to step up their game and strive to be in this group. Since LACES is a highly academic school, being in this group will not prove anything. Once you get into this group, you have to compete with others in this group.

To learn more about NHS/NJHS, come to our meetings or click here to go to the official NHS/NJHS website.