A. Supplemental Tobacco and Cannabis Health Prevention Curriculum.
Health teachers will utilize the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit & Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit, a Stanford Medicine developed curriculum that has been aligned to the CDE's health standards.
B. TUPE Peer-to-Peer Educators
Student members will educate their peers on the health risks associated with the usage of tobacco and cannabis products (i.e. e-cigarettes and vaporizers). Students will receive guidance and support from the LACES TUPE Liason and after-school agency staff members for their peer presentations.
C. Youth Development
TUPE Leaders Empower and Advocate for Healthier Decisions (LEAHD) student members will create anti-tobacco and anti-cannabis (i.e. e-cigarettes and vaporizers) awareness campaigns throughout the school year to educate the school campus. Students will work with an after-school agency staff member to develop and implement these campaign events.