5th Period Rough Drafts
For next Thurs and Fri.
For next Thurs and Fri.
The three weeks before Spring break.
These are important date changes to the syllabus.
All reading assignments go with the writer's names.
Revised Week 8
Week 8/B: 3/3-3/7
I've revised the fall weekly syllabus. This supersedes the yellow paper from the beginning of the year.
Attached is the BNW reading calendar for the next month or so.
Here is the short power point we used to organize our binders.
Here is the other file
Attached are the rhetorical body paragraph power points from today's class.
I've extended the deadline for Academic Work to Friday 5/30.
Middle School Matters 2013
Production Schedule
Research Due Wed. 5/1
Interviews and other background research
Graphic Organizer Due Friday 5/3
Rough Draft Due Monday 5/6
(This is homework over the weekend of 5/4-5/5
Peer Review Due Monday 5/6
(This will be completed during class on Monday)
Final Draft Due Thursday 5/9
I forgot to copy a page in the essay "Reception and Authenticity." I will give it to you in class on Wednesday. For the most continuity just begin reading at the section titled "The "Authenticity" of a Latino Pseudonym."
Here are the deadlines for the Opinion Project:
Research due Thursday 4/11
Graphic Organizer will be completed during class and due on Thursday 4/11
Rough Draft will be due Monday 4/15
Final Draft will be due on Friday 4/19
Attached is the Opinion Project