Something is broken and not addressed here in the FAQ.
If something does not work properly, please try again.
If it continues to fail, please contact the webmaster through the contact page.
Please include as much detail about your situation as possible, including your browser version (Internet Explorer 6/5 etc.) and operating system.
Remember, for user functionality to work, cookies must be enabled in your web browser.
I signed up for an event last year and now I can't find it on the events page.
Events are only displayed on their respective pages if they are due or occur after the current date.
To see old news items or events, please use the archives page.
I have forgotten the password to my user account.
We do not have access to your passwords, and as such, cannot tell them to you.
You may reset the password on your account by using the reset password page.
Something looks wrong on the site or the site is improperly displayed.
The LACES College Center site should work with the following browsers: Internet Explorer (IE) 5.2+ for Macs, IE 4.0+ for PCs, Mozilla 1.0+, Netscape 4.0+, Opera 7.0+, Safari 1.0+, and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.
If your browser is not one of the ones listed above, please download an updated browser. Also, the site was designed for 1024x768 and above.
Although 800x600 will work, it is not recommended.
Remember, for user functionality to work properly, your browser must accept cookies.
If this technical information makes no sense to you, please contact the webmaster through the contact page.
Where and how can I be informed about SAT exams?
You can go to the collegeboard website and check which dates they are offering the tests and read information about it.
You can find the link to the collegeboard website if you go to the 'TESTING' link in the navigation bar below the LACES banner.