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Events Extra Credit
1. Visit the event
2. Bring back a brochure, photo or materials gathered from the event.
3. Write a refleciton in Japanese. 2-4 paragraphs on description
of the event(day, time, who you went with, location, etc), description
of activities you did or saw and your opinions.
*Type if you are Japanese 3 and above*
Power Point Presentation
1. Pick a topic. E-mail me and get it approved.
2. Contents:
* 8-10 pages including a title page
* Use photos and images that describe the event.
* Write descriptions and facts in 4-5 bullet points . Do not write more than a paragraph per page.
Write in Japanese if possible and get it revised.
3. Save it in a flash drive and present it in class. Be sure to schedule the date in advance.